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New Year's Honour for our Deputy Chair

Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Lifeboat Fund and its loyal supporters in DWP were thrilled to learn that Mrs Frances Kilner, Deputy Chair of The Lifeboat Fund, received an MBE in the 2013 New Year's Honours List.

This well-deserved honour, "for services to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution" is a tribute to Frances's unstinting work managing and delivering The Fund's annual appeals in the Department for Work and Pensions.  The sums raised in recent years have shown what is possible in a big department with commitment to the charity, when a network of dedicated volunteers gets busy.  Every kind of DWP operation around the country - including Jobcentre Plus offices, Pensions and Corporate teams - has seen fundraising events, hosted coffee mornings, enjoyed 'dress down days', and generally 'come on board' to help save lives at sea.

As well as raising substantial sums of money for the charity - and in turn of course, for the RNLI - the sterling efforts of Frances and her team demonstrate what can be achieved when public servants engage with deserving causes and the wider community, and motivate their colleagues to join in. 

Many congratulations, Frances!