Home / 2013 Appeal - get your fundraising materials here!

2013 Appeal - get your fundraising materials here!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

An earlier news article announced The Lifeboat Fund's 2013 Appeal.  This article provides downloadable materials to help our supporters promote their fundraising events and get their colleagues involved.

The 2013 Appeal responds to a top priority of our beneficiary, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) – keeping its volunteer crew members safe.  Last year, the RNLI ‘rolled out’ safer and comfier lifejackets to all of its crews (which The Lifeboat Fund helped pay for).  In 2013, buying the remaining kit that each crew member requires has become the new priority.   

The Fund seeks to raise £185,000, which covers the cost of at least one ‘kit’ for one male or female crew member at every UK lifeboat station.

Will you help us reach our goal?  The following fundraising materials can be downloaded or ordered from the RNLI (or ask The Fund’s Secretary, Angela, if you need some help):

Here is the full catalogue of RNLI fundraising materials you can order free-of-charge as a supporter of The Lifeboat Fund; here is the order form.

If you tell Angela (tel: 0131 244 8488) what you’re planning for your Appeal – or what you’ve done – it can feature on this website, to inspire others!   Please also call if you would like a chat about your plans.

Here’s a tip to get you started…   why not decorate doughnuts like lifebelts and sell these for the cause?  This has proved popular with colleagues in Scottish Government! 

Send your top tips to Angela, so they can be shared here! 

Happy fundraising!